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Writer's pictureBev Cooper


Come out in the deep waters of My Spirit. Why remain on the shore or in ankle-deep water any longer? No longer try to play it safe and maintain control. For in the river of My love, it flows wherever there are dead things, bringing them back to life. Sometimes I move slowly where you hardly realize the tide has risen. At other times, I move swiftly, crashing into anything that should block My passage. I erode away anything that resists the flow of My Spirit, for I will have free reign.

As I continue the cleansing process of My temple, the living waters are rising higher and higher. Therefore, come out from dead religion. Come out deeper into the revelation of My love. Let My pure living waters flow in you and through you to rescue the hopeless and dying. No longer wait on the edge of the river. Come out deeper. 

Ezekiel 47:1-8 Living Bible (TLB)

1 Then he brought me back to the door of the Temple. I saw a stream flowing eastward from beneath the Temple and passing to the right of the altar, that is, on its south side. 2 Then he brought me outside the wall through the north passageway and around to the eastern entrance, where I saw the stream flowing along on the south side of the eastern passageway. 3 Measuring as he went, he took me 1,500 feet east along the stream and told me to go across. At that point the water was up to my ankles. 4 He measured off another 1,500 feet and told me to cross again. This time the water was up to my knees. 5 Fifteen hundred feet after that it was up to my waist. Another 1,500 feet and it had become a river so deep I wouldn’t be able to get across unless I were to swim. It was too deep to cross on foot.

6 He told me to keep in mind what I had seen, then led me back along the bank. 7 And now, to my surprise, many trees were growing on both sides of the river!

8 He told me: “This river flows east through the desert and the Jordan Valley to the Dead Sea, where it will heal the salty waters and make them fresh and pure.

Psalm 105:41 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

He opened a rock, and water gushed out; it flowed like a stream in the desert.

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