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The greatest thing in My Kingdom is the law of love. Loving God and loving others is the gospel of the Kingdom in a nutshell. Learn to love others where they are in their understanding of My truth, for I love all of My children.

Pray for hunger to know Me and My ways rather than just knowing about My acts. For I long to display My glory in order for a lost and dying world to come into a saving knowledge of My Son, Jesus. Love sacrifices all. Love serves. Love is not looking for recognition or to be superior, lording it over others. Love is willing to suffer loss and even be wronged for the sake of the Kingdom. Love puts others before themselves. Love conquers all. Love hopes all things, believes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

When obedience and suffering does not make sense, entrust yourself to My care, My ways and My timing. I am the one true and righteous Judge. Yield every part of yourself to Me and My glory will shine through you. Love lays down its very life.

Now is the time to make up your mind. Choose this day whom you will serve. Give Me everything, for I have already given you My very best. You are not your own, for I have bought you with a price; the price of My one and only Son, who willingly laid down His life because of My great love for humanity!

1 Corinthians 13:4-7, 13 Tree of Life Version (TLV)

4 Love is patient,

love is kind,

it does not envy,

it does not brag,

it is not puffed up,

5 it does not behave inappropriately,

it does not seek its own way,

it is not provoked,

it keeps no account of wrong,

6 it does not rejoice over injustice

but rejoices in the truth;

7 it bears all things,

it believes all things,

it hopes all things,

it endures all things.

13 But now these three remain—

faith, hope, and love.

And the greatest of these is love.

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