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Writer's pictureBev Cooper


I am totally other. There is none like Me. No one can compare. Nothing in this world can compare to My glory, beauty and splendor. I am holy. I have created you to manifest My glory in this world. Aren't you naturally attracted to that which is beautiful and glorious? Yet all that is beautiful in this world will fade away. Meditate on My beauty and splendor. Consider all that I have made. Is there anyone like unto Me? This should bring great joy to your heart.

You are a citizen of My Kingdom through My Son's atonement. You are My kings and priests commissioned to bring My Kingdom to this world. I am worthy of honor and your highest praises. As you take the time to meditate on Me and My Word, your spirit will leap with joy. Can you do anything but worship? For this is what you were created for, to worship Me in spirit and truth. Bring your offerings of praise, worship and adoration to your King! Bow before Me, for there truly is no one higher or greater in beauty, majesty and splendor!

Exodus 15:11 Amplified Bible (AMP)

Who is like You among the gods, O Lord?

Who is like You, majestic in holiness,

Awesome in splendor, working wonders?

Psalm 145:4-6 The Voice (VOICE)

4 One generation after another will celebrate Your great works;

they will pass on the story of Your powerful acts to their children.

5 Your majesty and glorious splendor have captivated me;

I will meditate on Your wonders, sing songs of Your worth.

6 We confess—there is nothing greater than You, God, nothing mightier than Your awesome works. I will tell of Your greatness as long as I have breath.

Psalm 99:5 Living Bible (TLB)

Exalt the Lord our holy God! Bow low before his feet.

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