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My Word is your daily toolbox! Look inside each day for fresh revelation. Look inside for the most effective tool to get the job done for that day. Sometimes it's a song of praise from the psalms. Some days it's a warfare song, a shout or a wild dance.

Then there are those power tools that I have given you when you need them...those personal words that only you can wield. Do not neglect to pull them out and make your decrees, for every time you speak you are releasing power. It's up to you to choose what you release into the atmosphere. Give My angels something to work with! The heavenly host and my holy angels are awaiting orders, listening for My Word in your mouth.

Yes, it is true, My Word in your mouth is still My Word! You are My authority in the earth; therefore, be strong and courageous and go forth in My power and might. Speak "Grace, grace" to the mountain in front of you and watch it fall, for My grace is sufficient and My grace is power! 

Jeremiah 23:29 The Voice (VOICE)

Does not My word burn like fire? Does it not shatter rock like a strong hammer?

Psalm 103:20-21 The Passion Translation (TPT)

20 So bless the Lord, all his messengers of power, for you are his mighty heroes who listen intently to the voice of his word to do it.

21 Bless and praise the Lord, you mighty warriors, ministers who serve him well and fulfill his desires.

Zechariah 4:7 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

For who are you, O great mountain [of human obstacles]? Before Zerubbabel [who with Joshua had led the return of the exiles from Babylon and was undertaking the rebuilding of the temple, before him] you shall become a plain [a mere molehill]! And he shall bring forth the finishing gable stone [of the new temple] with loud shoutings of the people, crying, Grace, grace to it!

1 Timothy 1:18-19a The Passion Translation (TPT)

18–19a So Timothy, my son, I am entrusting you with this responsibility, in keeping with the very first prophecies that were spoken over your life, and are now in the process of fulfillment in this great work of ministry, in keeping with the prophecies spoken over you. With this encouragement use your prophecies as weapons as you wage spiritual warfare by faith and with a clean conscience. 

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