I am God. I do not change. All power belongs to Me. Most of My children do not believe in My omnipotence. They feel powerless in the midst of the pagan gods of this culture.
You are My representatives in this world. Within you lies the power of the One who created the heavens and the earth and everything within. You are My living temple and you are to lay down your life on the altar daily.
I am a God of power, but I am also a God of love. You cannot separate the two. My Son demonstrated My power to reveal His identity as the Son of God, but also to reveal My love to a lost and hurting world. He came to destroy the works of the enemy.
Therefore, I say to you, do not fear the taunts of the enemy, but go out and walk in the power and authority of the One who sent you. Reveal My love and power, for the world is hungry to know the God who made them. Don't just tell them, show them!
1 John 3:7-8 The Message (MSG)
7-8 So, my dear children, don’t let anyone divert you from the truth. It’s the person who acts right who is right, just as we see it lived out in our righteous Messiah. Those who make a practice of sin are straight from the Devil, the pioneer in the practice of sin. The Son of God entered the scene to abolish the Devil’s ways.
1 Kings 18:36-39 New Century Version (NCV)
36 At the time for the evening sacrifice, the prophet Elijah went near the altar. “Lord, you are the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,” he prayed. “Prove that you are the God of Israel and that I am your servant. Show these people that you commanded me to do all these things. 37 Lord, answer my prayer so these people will know that you, Lord, are God and that you will change their minds.”
38 Then fire from the Lord came down and burned the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, and the ground around the altar. It also dried up the water in the ditch. 39 When all the people saw this, they fell down to the ground, crying, “The Lord is God! The Lord is God!”