Remember that you live and move and have your being in Me. When you are tired and thirsty, it's OK to just come and rest in My presence. You do not have to perform. Lay your weary head down and let Me love on you. Do not continually look at everything wrong with you or your life. Instead, just take another step forward. When you need a break to catch your breath, there are streams of living water available to refresh you.
Even Jesus had to get away from the crowds. There will always be needs to be met and problems to be solved. Jesus said that in this world you would have troubles, but to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. The enemy only has power over you if you allow him to.
When you spend time in My presence and calm your soul, I can offer you solutions to the problems that you face. As I commanded the Israelites in the wilderness, I am also telling you—only collect the manna that you need for today. You cannot solve every problem you face, but I will provide the grace you need for today’s problems.
Exodus 16:4-5 Amplified Bible (AMP)
4 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I will cause bread to rain from heaven for you; the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, so that I may test them [to determine] whether or not they will walk [obediently] in My instruction (law). 5 And it shall be that on the sixth day, they shall prepare to bring in twice as much as they gather daily [so that they will not need to gather on the seventh day].”
Psalm 23:1-3 The Message (MSG)
1-3 God, my shepherd! I don’t need a thing.You have bedded me down in lush meadows, you find me quiet pools to drink from. True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction.