I am cleaning house. I am sweeping My house thoroughly, examining every corner and crevice. Every web of deception will be knocked down. Everything that has been swept under the rug will be uncovered and shaken out. No more passivity nor complacency will be allowed or permitted in My church, My Bride. No more burying your head in the sand hoping the dirt will somehow go away.
You must use your arsenal of tools to address the issues you face today for I have provided everything you need to live a pure and holy life. No longer live as Eli, permitting his sons to desecrate My holy temple. No longer allow lukewarmness, compromise or political correctness to rule your lives.
Come to Me, the fount of Living Waters, for I will cleanse and purify you of your double-mindedness. I will lead you on the ancient paths of holiness; holiness that springs from an intimate relationship with Me, not following manmade religion and traditions of men.
Shake yourself free from all that defiles, for I am searching for those who have hearts that are pure and longing for My return. I am looking for those who are allowing Me to examine every area, every room in their heart, their temple. Allow Me to cleanse you, making you into a pure vessel for My glory to flow through.
For surely you are not your own. You have been bought with the precious Blood of My Son. Who you are In Christ is glorious, so quickly return to to the Lover of your soul. There you will find all that you desire, for the treasures of darkness are hidden in Him. Abide in Him and walk in the light. Then you will discover who you really are in Christ so that you can fulfill your purpose and destiny, all for My glory.
Isaiah 52:1-2 The Passion Translation (TPT)
1 Wake up! Open your eyes! Beautiful Zion, put on your majestic strength! Jerusalem, the sacred city, put on your glory garments! Never again will the unclean enter your gates!
2 Arise and shake off your dust! Sit enthroned, Jerusalem! Break off your shackles of bondage from your neck, you captive daughter of Zion!
1 Samuel 2:27-30 The Message (MSG)
27-30 A holy man came to Eli and said: “This is God’s message: I revealed myself openly to your ancestors when they were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt. Out of all the tribes of Israel, I chose your family to be my priests: to preside at the Altar, to burn incense, to wear the priestly robes in my presence. I put your ancestral family in charge of all the sacrificial offerings of Israel. So why do you now treat as mere loot these very sacrificial offerings that I commanded for my worship? Why do you treat your sons better than me, turning them loose to get fat on these offerings, and ignoring me? Therefore—this is God’s word, the God of Israel speaking—I once said that you and your ancestral family would be my priests indefinitely, but now—God’s word, remember!—there is no way this can continue. I honor those who honor me; those who scorn me I demean.
Ephesians 4:22-24 The Passion Translation (TPT)
22 And he has taught you to let go of the lifestyle of the ancient man, the old self - life, which was corrupted by sinful and deceitful desires that spring from delusions. 23 Now it’s time to be made new by every revelation that’s been given to you. 24 And to be transformed as you embrace the glorious Christ-within as your new life and live in union with him! For God has re-created you all over again in his perfect righteousness, and you now belong to him in the realm of true holiness.